What about your Que?

Have you ever tried to sit under the moon, in complete silence, when there's no one watching, no one talking, it is all so silent and so real!
Have you ever tried to understand what is going on with you, what is running in your life, where is your energy getting utilized.
Have you also ever tried to recall all your mistakes and analyse what bad you've to go through to compensate!
Again, Have you ever tried to still believe in yourself that you deserve the good and happy moments and that you're guilty for your mistakes!

Did you? I had.

I had done this a several times. These thoughts keep me sleepless for so long. Each passing second feels like this is the extreme point of trouble you can go through.

I used to believe running away from people and situations like these is the best you can do to save yourself from these thoughts. At least you wouldn't ever have it to think about it. Right?
Or, probably just escape out of these things because somewhere you believe these make no sense in your life and is a part of trouble addition.

There are millions of thoughts that run in your subconscious mind. And these are the most pure and most real thoughts of you. Probably, these are something that we should listen of and also something that we should follow. Subconscious mind is our own talk to ourselves. And, asking oneself for what is right and best is the most accurate way of wrapping things up, I believe!

Imagine your life to be a long Que of multiple events, good or bad and you are standing at the other end. You have to decide and categorize them according to what impact they have on you.
Where do you see yourself standing here? Do you have good events more than the bad ones? Or you have more bad stories to cry about?

I was and still am the one who has more stories to cry on than the good ones. I still have a long Que ahead of me, I still have to keep on categorizing them and trust me, it takes hell lot of time, energy and patience to put them in one section.

Now that I have a lot of bad stories to cry about, I would rather think of diverting my energy and mind in making the best out of things so that I can put them in good events.
I want to laugh loud, breathe good as much as I can. This is because anyway my energy is getting utilized, anyway I need to put these events in one category. Then why not do it for the good.
Did you realize one fact, there's no escaping out of events? You have to face them. No event can escape out of the Que!

This is the principle, simple yet very powerful. How do you think you can escape from people or situations? You just cannot. It is you who needs to understand and put them the way you want.
Where do you think you are heading?

My Que ahead looks like it is full of good events. What about yours?

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